At All Saints, we want all young people to know and love Jesus, encourage each other in their faith and share this with those around them.
The youth ministry aims to help them do this through Bible studies, discussions, tons of encouragement and loads of fun! Most groups and activities take place in the Tiger building next door to the church (see below for details).

Pathfinders is for young people in school years 6-9 (ages 10-14). It takes place on Sunday mornings during the 9.30am service in the Tiger for loads of fun as we explore the Bible together. The young people leave from, and return to, the service with the children in All Saints Kids.

Cornerstone is the evening service in church at 6pm, and drinks are served from 5.45pm. It is a great chance to get to see friends and meet other members of the church family as we hear and respond to God’s word. Although it is pitched more at mid-teens and older, younger ones are very welcome too.
Pathfinders Club Night is for young people in school years 6-9 (ages 10-14) meeting on Thursday evenings from 7.00-8.10pm in the Tiger. Each week there is an activity and a chance to learn about following Jesus. Times (and dates) sometimes vary, so be sure to check the programme.
Encrypt is for young people in school years 10-13 (ages 14-18) meeting on Friday evenings from 8.00-9.30pm in the Tiger. Each week there are activities, a chance to hang out and chat, as well as learning about following Jesus. Times (and dates) sometimes vary, so be sure to check the programme.
Important Admin
All young people are required to have a completed Permission Form, which includes contact details, medical and dietary information. Please click below to complete one for 2024/25:
If you would like to join the weekly mailing list for Engage and/or Encrypt, or have any questions about the youth ministry at All Saints, please contact Ben Lucas.