
Welcome to All Saints Kids!

If you are a family with 0-11 year olds then you have come to the right place. There is so much that goes on for children at All Saints, and you can find all the sign-up information right here. So let’s get started…

All Saints Kids Central

9.30am Services

Our Sunday morning groups are the heartbeat of everything we do, where we worship with the wider church family, and receive age-appropriate teaching and activities led by a dedicated and passionate team of volunteers with a heart for serving the next generation of Jesus-followers.

Noah's Ark

Wednesdays, 10-11.30am

Our lovely welcoming group for babies, toddlers and their carers. Join us on Wednesday mornings (during term-time) in the church for free play, craft, snacks, singing and story time. We finish our session with singing and story with our puppet friend Brenda. No need to book, although do keep an eye on the church Facebook page for updates.

Twins Club

Twins Club

Fridays, 10-11.30am
Free stay and play baby and toddler group for families with twins or multiples aged 0-4yrs. Just drop in, no need to book. Siblings (under 5yrs) welcome. Meets fortnightly in the Tiger Lounge.

Special Events


Look out for our special seasonal events, including the Easter Holiday Club, Neon Party on 31st October and our Nativity Service just before Christmas

Affiliated Groups

Nuture Bubble

Tuesdays, 9.30-11am

A free, post-natal drop-in run by Doulas Emma and Lea. Meeting in the Tiger Lounge, fortnightly on a Tuesday (check the calendar). You’ll find a safe, nurturing environment with feeding support and weighing facilities – and plenty of tea! Toddlers in tow are welcome too.

Hope-Filled Families

Saturdays, Ad-hoc

An opportunity for families with adopted or fostered children to get to know each other, chat, play and eat cake. For more information please contact Emma Lowries:

Additional Needs Support

At All Saints we’re keen to support and include all children, recongising that some may require extra support to help them settle into groups or differentiated ways of learning. On a Sunday morning we have a individualised stream called ‘Worship our Way’ to help children engage in simple Bible teaching.

WoW Room

Additional Needs Coordinator

Rachel Nibloe coordinates our ministry among children with additional needs and acts as a point of contact with parents. She has a degree in child development and learning and is seconded to us from Tiger Cubs Pre-School. She has experience of working as a 1-1 with children with additional needs. If you have any questions, please do get in touch.


If you have any questions about our events please do get in touch with Janine Bending, Children’s Pastor.