The Word 1-2-1

The Word 1-2-1 is a course aimed for just two or perhaps three people to do together. It’s a journey through John’s gospel, designed to be read slowly and so to unpack together the rich meaning of the words. The idea is for someone who is new to reading the Bible or exploring the Christian […]
321 Course

The 321 Course runs periodically over four weeks. It’s a simple course designed to help you think about God, the World and You – it’s asks the simple, yet profound question of “What does life look like, according to Jesus?” It’s especially good for those who are new to, or exploring who Jesus is and […]
Marriage Enrichment

We run the ‘Marriage Sessions‘ course by Care for the Family. Each session uses video material and allows time to talk just as couples. The sessions are built around helpful areas for growing as a couple: How we cherish, connect, collaborate and commit. We’ll create privacy around tables for couples and provide some kind of […]
Bereavement Course

We would like to offer you the opportunity to join a short course to help you process your experience of loss, grief and bereavement. At All Saints we now have an excellent course of six sessions called: The Bereavement Journey. You will meet in small groups, (led by facilitators not counsellors) watching videos and having […]