Pastoral Care is something that we can all be involved with as we encourage and support each other. In prayer, words of encouragement and practical service we can all do something to care for one another. Here are some of the co-ordinating ways that we can put our love into action.

We would like to offer you the opportunity to join a short course to help you process your experience of loss, grief and bereavement. At All Saints we now have an excellent course of six sessions called: The Bereavement Journey. You will meet in small groups, (led by facilitators not counsellors) watching videos and having time for discussion. Those who have recently been on the course have found it so valuable to meet with others and share their experiences in a safe place. They have learnt much that has brought comfort, reassurance and hope to their journeys. Please contact the church office to register your interest in the next course.

God loves to speak words of comfort to his people. Isaiah chapter 40 is one part of the Bible where he does this most clearly. Antonia Easley has put together a series of short meditations on this chapter to help us know and experience God’s comfort and care.
Connect Groups
These small groups are the backbone of pastoral life in the church where mutual care and practical support is offered. The church can feel big when we gather on a Sunday, but these groups can help us to feel more connected. Find out more about Connect Groups.
Prayer Ministry
At the end of our 9.30am, 11.15am and 6pm services two people from our prayer ministry team will be available to talk and pray with you. If you would like to make a prayer request you can do this using the ‘Prayer box’ in the church porch or online. Find out more about Prayer Ministry.
Pastoral Team
The team meets weekly to pray for those in particular need or requiring additional support.
The team includes; Hugh Bourne, Antonia Easley, Jane Haughton, Lyn Hoyles, Ben Lucas and Steve Nichols.
Pastoral Visitors
There is a wider team of visitors who share the load of visiting and pastoral support with the team. This includes:
Nigel Britton, Sue Cowdy, Jean Gardiner, Sarah & Steve Hagger, Chrissy Keynes, Steve Norris, Lu & Roger Seymour and Lesley Sparks.
Discretionary Fund
There is a small fund, administered by the church wardens, with the purpose of offering financial support to those in particular need. If you are aware of someone who may be in need, then please contact a member of the pastoral team who will share needs with the church wardens. All concerns and gifts made will be done so in strict confidence.
Please do make contact with the pastoral team; either directly, or via the church office.