Reaching out into the world
All Saints supports both Mission Partners and Christian Agencies. Our Partners are typically individuals or families sent out from our own congregation to serve both in the UK and further afield. Christian agencies are organisations that are widely supported throughout our congregation prayerfully and financially that share our mission to make Jesus known throughout the world. Together we commit to regularly praying for these Partners and Agencies and also corporately provide practical and financial support if needed.
To help keep the church up to date, each Partner and Agency has a personal link with one or two members of the All Saints congregation who undertake to be the main representatives, co-ordinating support and prayer requests.
Here is a list of our current Mission Partners and Agencies:
Caminul Felix, Romania
Caminul Felix was born in 1992 in Oradea in the western part of Romania. After the fall of Nicolae Ceausescu in 1989 and the plight of tens of thousands of abandoned children was revealed to the world.
- Please continue to pray for Caminul Felix as the seek to start working in Ukraine, pray the funds to purchase the land required. To build a new village to look after some of the orphaned and abandoned children left by the war.Pray for safety and wisdom for those who are visiting and working with the authorities.
- Thank God for the nearly twenty people who will be giving up a week, to come to Romania in September, to help build a new home for a young couple. Please pray for the rest of the funds required to finish this project.
- Thank God for the houseparents of Caminul Felix, who dedicate there lives to bring up a generation of orphan and abandoned children. Give them the strength, wisdom and patience as they show God’s love to children, who have had a very difficult start in life.
Ropeholder: Phil Hale
Prayer Points
January 2025
- Please pray for Caminul Felix as they seek to expand their work into Ukraine, to bring hope and a family to the orphaned children.
- Pray for the final steps that need to be completed to purchase the land in Ukraine to build a new Caminul Felix village, pray for all the necessary funds to be in place.
- Thank God for all the friends and contacts that have worked so hard in Ukraine to help get the project off the ground, please pray for continued support and good relations with all the appropriate government departments.
- Please pray for the planning of this years trip to Caminul Felix later in the year, that many people would consider serving for a week.
Crosslinks – Julian & Nicky Milson, Valencia
Julian and Nicky Milson are passionate about sharing the good news of Jesus with Spanish people and training up disciples who can advance the gospel for generations to come. As of March 2018 they have lived and worked in Valencia, as Crosslinks Mission Partners. They have two children, Jemima and Theo.
It is estimated that just 1% of the population in Spain are evangelical Christians. Although 75% of Spaniards identify as Roman Catholic, this may reflect a sense of cultural identity rather than personal faith.
Julian is seconded to the IERE (Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church) as the Rector of the ‘Iglesia de Jesucristo’ which is the only church in Valencia that is part of the Anglican Communion. Nicky is involved in various areas of ministry in the church, is learning Spanish and homeschools Jemima.
Before moving to Spain, the Milson’s lived in Hove where Julian was the vicar at Holy Cross Church for 11 years. Nicky served at Holy Cross in children’s ministry, youth work and music.
Please also visit the Milsons’ Crosslinks page for further information, to sign up to their newsletter and for the opportunity to give towards their work in Valencia: or visit their Facebook group for regular updates:
Ropeholders: Will & Beth Leonard
Prayer Points
January 2025
- Please pray for stamina, enthusiasm and joy for the work starting up again in January.
- Please pray for the people contacted over the Christmas period to remain in our path.
- Please pray for Nicky’s growing relationships with her Spanish classmates and for her language lessons in general.
- Pray for the children who come to our weekly English club and for the preparation that needs to happen as it begins again this term.
- There are many people still affected by the floods. Please continue to pray for the wider city and those areas that were devastated. Pray for that they get the help they need to function properly.
Diocese of South Rwenzori and Kagando Hospital, Uganda
The long-standing links between All Saints and South Rwenzori in S.W. Uganda have been in existence since the mid 1980s when the South Rwenzori Diocese came into being. The diocese centres on the town of Kasese where the Rev. Canon Nason Baluku was consecrated and enthroned at St. Paul’s Cathedral in December 2020, becoming the 3rd Bishop of South Rwenzori.

All Saints’ currently supports the Diocese through prayer and financial giving towards the education of theological students studying for ordination, and the training of part-time students studying to become lay readers. Both clergy and lay-staff will go on to perform pastoral duties in the many parishes within the diocese.
The other focus of our prayer and giving is Kagando Hospital which began as a small mission hospital and has grown into a medical centre and teaching hospital with a strong gospel ministry. The hospital plays a vital role within the Kagando Rural Development Centre (KARUDEC), aiming to proclaim the love of God by serving to improve the physical and spiritual well-being of the poor and disadvantaged people in the district.

A number of people from a range of professional backgrounds have contributed their expertise to establish and maintain the growth and development which has occurred. Among them have been many from All Saints’; most recently Peter and Heather Candy who for two years managed different projects within and around the hospital. Currently Anna Kingdom is the treasurer for the charity, Friend of Kagando.
Find out more through and
Main contact: vacant
Prayer Points
December 2024
Diocese of South Rwenzori, Uganda and Kagando Hospital
- As we see schools close and yet to open on February 3, 2025, please pray that by then we shall have completed both hostels for the boys and girls at St Paul’s vocational secondary school. Pray that we shall have the resources for the completion of the hostels.
Kagando Hospital:
- We are in the process of buying a new Xray machine for the hospital as the old one is worn out and parts are no longer available. We praise God for the donations that have come in, and pray that the delivery, installation and training process will go smoothly
- The company we were hoping would install the solar power system has gone bankrupt – thankfully before work had started or any money changed hands. This is frustrating, but please pray for those making final decisions about details of the design and contractors.
- Canon Uzziah, the Executive Director of Kagando Hospital, will be retiring next year. We thank God for his time at Kagando, and pray that a successor will be found to carry on the work.
Mission in India
Our mission is to preach the Gospel, make disciples and plant churches among the unengaged and unreached people groups of India.
We have reached 60 villages for Jesus by planting churches and have more than twelve castes these churches.
Worship Halls are constructed in the villages and we support missionaries to share the love of Jesus, each pastoring and caring for 3-5 villages. Many are baptised each month. There are around 7000 people meeting to worship the Lord every week across all our villages. We educate 300 children in our Christian School which acts as a bridge to reach Hindu and Muslim parents and children.
We care for 30 orphans in our ‘House of Joy’, sharing Jesus’ love, providing good education, daily meals, clothes and medical care. We support and care for widows and help the destitute. Pastors receive training for evangelism, discipleship and church planting in four centres across the country. To find out more about this Mission and to receive regular newsletters and prayer needs please contact Ron & Janet Goodenough (Ropeholders).
Ropeholders: Ron & Janet Goodenough
OM – Simon & Becky Lunt, London
Simon & Becky Lunt work in North-West London with the mission Operation Mobilisation. They are engaged in cross cultural outreach, particularly to people from the Middle East. For over 20 years they have been involved in a variety of approaches to ministry as they have worked with and through local churches.
At present Simon is involved in friendship evangelism on a regular basis through visiting local Arabic cafes and shops. This is linked to an international church fellowship with believers and enquirers from many backgrounds. He is also involved in strategic networks of like-minded workers from different mission agencies both in the UK and Europe.
These networks help at many levels including; mutual support, building shared approaches to outreach and helping to equip the church.
Becky completed a 2-year distance learning degree course in Ministry and Mission to Families and Children through Cliff Bible College. This has enabled her to reflect theologically on two decades of ministry, much of it focused towards women and children. She continues to meet with women and families from many parts of the Middle East as she seeks to share Christ with them or encourage them in their Christian faith.
They have three children; Josiah, Carys and Benjamin.
Ropeholder: Guy Rowland
Prayer Points
October 2024
Items for Prayer & Praise
Simon writes:
- Give thanks for 8 baptisms that took place at the end of September. Please pray for the ongoing discipleship of these believers and opportunities to be a light and witness for Christ.
- Give thanks for the encouragement of new collaboration initiatives across different mission agencies.
- Please pray for a short-term mission I’m helping to lead and coordinate during the first week of November. From our team of ten, six are international students preparing for ministry on OM’s ship Logos Hope.
Becky writes:
- Give thanks for a second full day of Play Therapy at a school in West London (now Wednesday and Thursday). I’m really glad to be in a very supportive and needy school.
- Please pray for wisdom for Tuesdays when I do Play Therapy in a room in our OM centre. Social services have been contacting me about potential children to work with. Wisdom is needed to make the right choices on appropriate care for severely traumatised looked after children. I’m seeking professional supervision advice on this.
- Please pray for me and all those helping in our light party at St Mark’s, Kendal Rise – Thursday 31st Oct, 4:30 – 6:30pm
OMF – Ian & Anne-Marie Prescott
Ian & Anne-Marie with OMF International. After 35 years in East Asia (Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam) our focus in now the East Asian Diaspora: those not in their home country! Our base is Lindfield, but we are engaged with East Asians in the diaspora and in encouraging others in their engagement with East Asian diaspora where they are.
OMF is focused on the peoples of East Asia. As well as those living in East Asia, this includes East Asians who have migrated to other parts of the world (diaspora), some just for a few years, some to stay permanently. Ian and Anne-Marie are also seconded to Global Connections as volunteers, one to two days a week, concerned for diaspora related ministries.
Prayer Points
February 2025
- Pray as Ian teaches the short version of ‘Cross Cultural Evangelism and Church Planting’ to the En Route group at All Nations Christian College on March 3 & 4. This programme runs three times a year for 10 weeks and prepares people for short term placements and administrative roles with cross cultural mission groups.
- Pray for the OMF UK National Conference taking place March 7-9 at Swanwick. Pray that all those attending will be encouraged and inspired in their praying for, and involvement with OMF. Ian and Anne-Marie will be participating.
- Pray as Ian and Anne-Marie are involved in planning for a conference and a consultation that will take place in Penang, Malaysia in August. These will bring together OMF workers from around the world who are involved in diaspora ministries among East Asians.
- Give thanks that the evangelistic booklet for Japanese Christians to use in sharing the gospel with the more than 500,000 Vietnamese living and working in Vietnam was printed in early December. Pray it would be well used. Pray that God would raise up workers to engage with the Vietnamese in Japan and to encourage the Japanese church to reach out to them.
- Thank you for those who continue to pray for Ian’s health. He is not having any further treatment, but the consultant is monitoring the tumour through three-monthly MRIs. The next one will be in April.
Open Doors
A well respected organisation supporting the persecuted church around the world. Open Doors works in over 50 countries, supplying Bibles, training church leaders, providing practical support and emergency relief, and supporting Christians who suffer for their faith.
In the UK and Ireland Open Doors works to raise awareness of global persecution, mobilising prayer, support and action among Christians, the government and with the United Nations globally.
For more infomation:
Main contacts: Ron and Janet Goodenough
Prayer Points
January 2025
Somalia; (No. 2 on the World Watch List). There are only a few hundred Christians in the country and they are a high-value target by Islamic militant groups. Church life is almost non-existent and danger for Christians is increasing.
- Pray; that believers who risk everything to follow Jesus will have strength to persevere in their faith and isolated believers will have opportunity for fellowship
Nigeria & D R C; attacks on Christians have continued over the Christmas period resulting in at least 46 believers killed.
- Pray; for the Lord to be near all those who have lost families in these attacks and that churches will be agents of peace boldly proclaiming the Gospel.
Syria; following the ousting of the Assad regime, Christian leaders are asking believers to respond with a message of love and hope
- Pray; that Christians will not retreat into isolation but be peacemakers and active in helping to rebuild a new Syria
The Parliamentary Launch of the 2025 World Watch List takes place this week in Westminster. There are over 350 new MPs following the election in July
- Pray; that many MPs will attend and will understand the importance of global religious freedom and take action
You can sign up on the Open Doors website ( to receive regular up-to-date news. Plus there is always more information on the mission display at the back of the church.
If you would like a copy of the World Watch List, please contact Ron & Janet Goodenough ()
Ron & Janet Goodenough – Ropeholders
SIM – Jonny & Olga Anderson
Jonny and Olga Anderson are working with Serving in Mission to share the gospel with the Quechua native people.
They have worked since 2010 with the Quechua communities on the edge of the city of Sucre. Their focus is on teaching Christ to Christians and non-Christians alike using stories that work well orally and can be easily passed onto others. They are using a variety of Bible teaching methods to help church leaders and youth groups to reach others for Jesus.
They have three children, Jonah, Joanna and Joel, who are all at boarding schools in the UK.
Ropeholders: Dave Nicholls
Prayer Points
February 2025
- As the summer holidays have ended and regular church activities have resumed, Jonny has been asked to preach regularly at the Temple of Faith on Wednesday nights.
- Olga has started up her child protection training at their local church.
- For God to guide Jonny and Olga as to which rural communities to visit over the first part of this year.
- For plans ahead of Jonny and Olga’s shore leave this summer including finding a date to visit All Saints in Lindfield.
- For a very warm family reunion over Christmas in Colombia with Olga’s family – 24 travelled from four countries.
- That Jonny and Olga were able to attend a 5 day training course run by the Quechua Christian radio station to be facilitators in their theology by extension course.
Any questions should be directed to Dave Nicholls, whilst there is a monthly Anderson newsletter (sent via email) that people can sign up to receive.
Sussex Gospel Partnership (SGP)
SGP exists to support, develop and encourage the work of the Gospel through evangelical Churches in Sussex.
This includes strengthening and planting churches, teaching leaders and organising bible training courses attended by various churches including All Saints. Find out more about SGP at
Main contact: Pam Orna-Ornstein
Prayer Points
December 2024
- Thank God for answered prayer, and especially for the appointment of a new Director of the Sussex Gospel Partnership and for a new Chair of Trustees. Please pray for both of them as they settle into their new roles.
- Thank God for the Annual Conference, for all those who attended and for all who continue to access the talks on-line. Pray that the day may encourage and equip them in their evangelism.
- Thank the Lord for the extra opportunities that Christmas brings to invite those around us to come and hear about the birth of our Saviour. Pray for all those responsible for planning and leading such special events, that they may know God’s strength and enabling at such a busy time of year.
Tearfund is a Christian relief and development agency committed to eradicating poverty.
Tearfund’s call over the last 50 years has remained constant: “to follow our biblical mandate to see people lifted out of material and spiritual poverty.” Its work in 50 countries around the world focuses on three core areas: church and community transformation, fragile states, and environmental and economic sustainability. Find out more about Tearfund at
Main contact: Sarah Newnham and Richard Painter
Prayer Points
February 2025
Tearfund is a Christian charity which partners with churches in more than 50 of the world’s poorest countries. Here are just a few of their prayer needs:
Appointment of new CEO of Tearfund – Nigel Harris, the current CEO will be stepping down in August after 9 years in the role. Praise God for Nigel’s good leadership and pray for the board as they seek to appoint a new CEO to lead Tearfund.
Gaza – As the ceasefire in Gaza comes into place, please pray that it will hold.
- Pray for the millions of people in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon and Israel who had to leave their homes under horrific circumstances and are dealing with the trauma of the conflict and face the idea of returning home.
- Pray for Tearfund and their partners – that God would strengthen them as they support schools and hospitals, and as they provide food and essentials to families who have been displaced, and as they decide how to support those who are thinking of returning home.
The Church and Community Transformation (CCT) Programme – Tearfund is rolling out these programmes in thousands of churches in disadvantaged regions. Here is an example. Pastor Parmenas planted a church in a remote part of Chad, but numbers dwindled. ‘We almost gave in to discouragement, but through prayer, we stayed the course,’ he says. Pastor Parmenas attended Tearfund’s Transforming Communities training and, in turn, trained his small congregation. Praise God that people began to realise their skills and resources, using them to put their prayers for their community into practice. Prayer groups blossomed, savings schemes grew, children remained in school and food was shared so no one went hungry. Please pray for Pastor Parmenas’ church and many like it using Tearfund’s CCT programme.
UCCF – Anilka Huibers
Anika is working with Sussex and Brighton Christian Unions as a Staff Worker to equip and encourage the students to share their faith with their friends and peers at university. She loves the work that God has called her to do and is always excited to see what he will do next.
During Anika’s time at the University of Sussex studying a BSc Zoology degree, she joined the CU as an atheist. Through the CU, she learned more about Jesus, got plugged into a church, and eventually came to saving faith in the Lord. Since then, she has completed a year-long discipleship and training programme with UCCF called ‘Relay’, where her passion for mission on university campuses grew. Anika sees that there is an immense value in sharing the gospel to this age group, since individuals are most open and receptive to the gospel at this stage of life and can go on to bring the gospel into their future workplaces.
Prayer Points
February 2025
Anika is the UCCF worker on the three Sussex University Campuses. Her main role is encouraging and supporting the Christian Union Committees and helping with the planning of events. Prayer Focus for Anika Huibers serving with UCCF at the Brighton and Chichester University campuses.
- Praise God that Anika is sensing that this will be is a season of God gathering people to Himself. Already this is being seen in the Brighton campuses. Please pray that God uses Brighton, Sussex and Chichester Christian Union Events Week (where multiple evangelistic events are run every day) to continue bringing students to Himself. Pray that a harvest would be reaped.
- Sussex CU have had many non-Christians come along weekly during the CU Main Meetings. Praise God! Please pray that there will be much fruit from these meetings, and that this would increase during Events Week.
- Chichester University is very small – only about 4,000 students, but the CU is massive! This means that many people in the university know at least one person in the CU. Please pray that the CU students would be bold in sharing the gospel with their friends, and inviting them along to the evangelistic events that the CU will run this term.
- Brighton CU is small but they are such a great community. Please pray that God will really give them boldness and courage to do more first-contact evangelism this term.
YWAM – Lucy
I have been serving with Youth With A Mission since 2001 - committed to young missionaries and to seeing the nations transformed by the love of Jesus.
Since that time I have travelled all around the world with God showing me so much of His character and how much he wants me to see. I believe that God wants to restore us all to how He originally designed us – redeemed by Jesus. Throughout my time in YWAM I have had a wide range of experiences – teaching teenagers in the Cape Flats of South Africa, leading a delegation to the UN AIDS meetings in New York, leading & training missionary trainees, enabling outreach during the 2012 Olympics, exhibiting pieces of art in Brighton and counselling young women due to unplanned pregnancy or a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS.
In October 2018 after 5 years of prayer & exploration, I moved to Thanet, Kent to begin pioneering a new YWAM community under the umbrella of YWAM Holmsted Ministries. My ministry areas are mercy; art & creativity; government & justice; spirituality and discipleship.
Due to the sensitive nature of some of my work, and to honour and respect those I connect with I’d rather share stories over a cuppa – please connect with my rope-holders or follow YWAM in Thanet on Facebook or Instagram. If you’d like to support my ministry please follow this link.
Prayer Points
December 2024
ESOL Thanet (English school):
- One former English learner who was granted asylum and he has been moved to Yorkshire.
- We had the biggest intake of learners at our English classes- 38, but many of them aren’t consistent at coming.
Gather (women’s ministry):
- One of our Gather guests has asked about faith and asked if she could have a copy of the booklet “Why Jesus?”
- One of the lady’s was finally rehoused after one year of prayer and searching – we have a good connection and friendship with her.
- The lady who had served her custodial sentence returned to Ramsgate and made contact with us, but we haven’t seen her since.
- Beulah had a very successful mission trip to South Africa, sadly while she was there a friend unexpectedly passed away leaving two children. Beulah was able to extend her trip to stay longer to support the family.
- Ashley raised the money for her visa, but decided to stay in the USA. She started a serious relationship and would like to see if it could lead to marriage. She will be a great loss to the team, but we are so happy for this opportunity for her.
- We still don’t have a new office, but believe that God has something special in store!
- Lucy & Pete’s flat is on the market; and once we have a buyer we will start looking for a bigger home.
- The prayer for the Sphere of Education during the National Week of Prayer has been a catalyst for Pete to gather teachers to pray.
- Please especially pray for Lucy who leads the team. She is hoping to take some time in the new year to pause some ministry, reflect and get some input; to feel envisioned for when Abby joins the team.
Here is a list of organisations we support:
In addition to our support of Mission Partners and Agencies there are some additional organisations which we support by way of subscriptions or gifts.
Church Society
Church Society is fellowship contending to reform and renew the Church of England in biblical faith. All Saints is a partner church and the Church Society Trust also acts as Patron for us.
Crawley Open House
Crawley Open House provides support and services for those suffering the effects of homelessness, unemployment, loneliness, discrimination, or other forms of social exclusion. In 2023 our Christmas Collections were given in aid of Crawley Open House.
Evangelical Alliance
All Saints is a member of the Evangelical Alliance who are an alliance of evangelicals “sharing the gospel, lifting voices of hope, and building unity.” The Evangelical Alliance exists to serve and strengthen the UK church.

Mental health crises in leadership: let’s talk about it
My experience: what it can feel like to go through a dark time with mental health, and how God revealed His love in the hardest moments

Thinking faithfully about politics
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We are the Evangelical Alliance. We love Jesus and we want everyone in the UK to be given an opportunity to know Him. We love His church, and we will do all we can to unite evangelicals, building confidence in the gospel and speaking as a trusted voice into society to see it changed for Him.

Talking Jesus
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Talking Jesus report 2022
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One People Commission and South Asian Forum celebration event
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Time to Talk
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Stories of Hope: addiction recovery
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Family Support Work (FSW)
FSW works to support families overcome difficult periods in their lives offering information on benefits, housing problems, advocacy, and health and education issues including domestic abuse.
Our free and confidential support is offered to parents/carers and their children in many areas of East and West Sussex, including Brighton & Hove. This includes anyone who has the responsibility for the care of children, whether they are single, separated, divorced, bereaved or grandparents.
Our Family Support Workers arrange group activities involving parents alone as well as families. These are varied and depend on the needs and circumstances of those involved. They may include activities such as lunch clubs, where health and nutritional ideas can be absorbed; parenting; education work; a Time Out group for parents alone facing issues of school exclusion have all featured in the last twelve months; holidays for families at a highly subsidised rate are also organised by the workers; a free swapshop with clothes and toys donated by Association supporters adds to the development of mutual support among parents and families.
Find out more about FSW at
Main contact: Victoria Donougher
Speak Life
Speak Life, based in Eastbourne but reaching out across the world, aim to re-evangelise church and world through captivating, Christ-centred communication.
They produce the 321 Course and we were pleased to support their Christmas appeal in 2023.
The Haven
The Haven is a safe place – offering free, non-directive and confidential information and support to women and men living in Mid Sussex.